Project Astro-Genius

A research project in astrology aiming to test and possibly improve current methods inherited from medieval practice, and to investigate new ones to ultimately provide astrologers with a handy predictive tool in diagnosis of high cognitive ability and genius.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Richard Cadlerc

is from ePIQ society

To be added later


Linus Pauling

To be added later


Leonardo Da Vinci

To be added later


A Beautiful Mind

Yes, John Nash!

To be added in future..


Nikola Tesla

to be added in future...


Albert Einstein

Click here to to see Einstein's horoscope.


His ascendant (asc) is at 11d39m Cancer and Part of Reasoning at 5d25m Taurus. Rulers of the ascendant at 11d39m Cancer by order of decreasing importance are:

- Moon (domicile and participating triplicity ruler = almuten)
- Jupiter (exaltation)- Venus (primary triplicity ruler and bound ruler)
- Mars (secondary triplicity ruler)
- Mercury (face ruler)

Rulers of the Part of Reasoning at 5d25m Taurus by order of decreasing importance are:

- Venus (domicile, primary triplicity and bound ruler = almuten)
- Moon (exaltation and secondary triplicity ruler)
- Mars (participating triplicity ruler)
- Mercury (face ruler)

We note that the Moon, the ruler of the ascendant, is in the first half of Sagittarius, a rational sign.

1) Disposition of the Part: The Part is strong in the 11th house. Venus, dispositor of the Part is strong as well in the 10th house. Taurus, in which the Part is posited is the sign where the Moon, ruler of the ascendant is exalted. Although she does not aspect the Part or the sign the Part is posited, Moon's shared rulership over the signs (i.e Moon rules Cancer by domicile and Taurus by exaltation) may be considered helpful and also the Part is "in the dignity of the ruler of the ascendant". But since the Moon in Sagittarius does not aspect the sign in which the Part resides (e.g Taurus), there is a weaker level of assistance from Moon to the Part than a reception here. In other words, there is only "generosity" in which the Moon is generous to the Part by exaltation.

Because the Part and its dispositor is strongly placed in the chart we may call it well-disposed. But other than that there is nothing impressive about it as far as the aspects of the Part's rulers are concerned, because none of the rulers of the Part aspects the Part within a reasonable orb. That is, the Part is not received.

Only Mars, one of the triplicity rulers of the Part aspects Taurus. So technically he receives the Part by a whole-sign trine. But it is not worthy of mention since the orb is too large (more than 20 degrees) for any influence.

2) Aspects:

2-a) From rulers of the ascendant to the Part:

None of the rulers of the ascendant aspect the Part. But the Part's antiscion at 24d35 m Leo is opposed within 3 degree by Jupiter, the exaltation ruler of the ascendant. This can be considered as a weaker form of opposition aspect between the Part and Jupiter.

2-b) From rulers of the ascendant to the ruler(s) of the Part:

- The Moon (= almuten of the ascendant) applies by a trine aspect with an orb of 2d27m to Venus (= almuten of the Part). Trine is a beneficial aspect and the orb is small and the aspect is between two major rulers, so this is the most important aspect meeting one of the primary requirements of the Part of Reasoning.

- Venus (= primary triplicity and bound ruler of the ascendant) is trine with the Moon (= exaltation and secondary triplicity ruler of the Part). This seems to be a repetition of the above. In terms of the significators (planets), yes! But because the significators have different dignities at the ascendant and the Part, it is necessary to mention them again. The trine aspect repeated between Venus and the Moon here is a re-emphasis and verification that the requirement has been met.

- Mars (= secondary triplicity ruler of the ascendant) is sextile Mercury (= face ruler of the Part). Here the requirement for intelligence is re-emphasized by another aspect between planets that have minor dignities at the ascendant and the Part.- Mercury (= face ruler of the ascendant) is sextile Mars (= participating triplicity ruler of the Part).

3) Mercury's condition and aspects:

- Mercury is strong in the 10th house;

- Mercury is "technically" afflicted by Saturn's conjunction when merely judged by the book. [Off the topic, this might have been responsible for Einstein's reported delay until 4-5 years of age in beginning to speak in childhood and also for his being, in his opinion, "a slow thinker". This makes sense as Mercury naturally signifies "speech and thought" and Saturn naturally signifies delays, restrictions, hindrances, obstacles, slowness etc.] Nonetheless Saturn also signifies "organization, structure, discipline, rules". When taken together with Mercury (because of conjunction) this should mean "well-organized, structured and disciplined thinking" which is what any scientist is required to possess. Furthermore, Saturn by his placement in this chart is the ruler of the Part's overcoming sign (e.g the 10th sign from Taurus where the Part is posited) Aquarius, which itself is the significator of "knowledge and sciences". Ancient astrologers placed an importance on "overcoming". In addition, Saturn rules the 9th house, which also has to do with intellectual pursuits among other things.

Considering that Mercury, besides a natural significator of intelligence, thought and speech, is also the face ruler of the ascendant and the Part, its conjunction to said Saturn is to be understood and interpreted accordingly. So, when all of these are put together and evaluated within the chart's own context, Saturn's conjunction to Mercury appears to have been pretty more constructive than destructive, at least for Einstein's intelligence and genius.

- Mercury is peregrine (e.g has no essential dignity) at 3d09m Aries. But it is received by a sextile by its dispositor, Mars. So Mercury in this condition can be regarded as fortunate. - Mercury is partile trine the antiscion of Mars at 3d05m Sagittarius. As we mentioned elsewhere (see sample delineation about Paul Cooijmans), astrological relations by aspect (including antiscia) or other means such as mutual reception between Mercury and Mars, which both are significators of intelligence, favor intelligence, therefore can not be overlooked.

- Mercury is opposite by whole-sign to a separating Moon, which rules the ascendant by domicile and the Part by exaltation, thus satisfying another rule required of it (see Part of Reasoning on this blog).

Overall, Mercury may be considered well disposed and in good condition as far as intellectuality is concerned.

4) Mars:

Mars is pretty good by essential dignity as he is in his exaltation, triplicity and term at 26d55m in Capricorn. He is conjunct the Moon's north node. Noth Node is of the nature of Venus and Jupiter and is said to increase the natural influence of the planet that it conjoins, that is Mars in this case: North Node increases Mars' Marsness. Because Mars means sharpness and Mars receives Mercury by a sextile into where he has both the dignity of domicile and face, this conjunction is supposed to increase Einsein's sharpness among other things. Very good condition of Mars by essential dignity seems to compensate Mercury's poor dignity (Reminder: Mercury is only the face ruler of the ascendant and the Part) in this aspectual relationship.


His Part of Skill is at 29d 07m Capricorn in sextile to a fairly good Mercury and Saturn, Saturn being the Part's domicile ruler, and conjunct Mars, the Part's exaltation ruler.

All in all, these astrological indicators explain in accordance with theory why Einstein was a very intelligent person.

Note that we are talking about his "intelligence" here, not genius! These two concepts are often confused and misunderstood by people. Genius certainly requires very high intelligence but only a small percentage of very intelligent people come out to be geniuses. This will be dealt with in depth later.

- End of Delineation -


Thursday, September 27, 2007

Paul Cooijmans (sample delineation - 1)

I am grateful to Paul for his letting me publish a delineation about his intelligence on this blog.

Paul Cooijmans is the founder, member and administrator of the
Glia Society, of which I am one of the members.

See Paul's work at ; click here to see his horoscope on which I will base my delineation about intelligence.



Paul informed me of his birth time to be 20:30 (source of data is his mother), which I rectified (corrected) to 20:28:46 based on his biographical information.

His ascendant is at 29d57m Libra, and Part of Reasoning at 9d57m Gemini.
Moon is in Gemini. Thus, both the ascendant and the Moon as well as the Part of Reasoning are posited in rational signs to start with.

Disposition and aspects of the Part: The Part is in the 8th quadrant house in Gemini, which is ruled by Mercury, natural significator of intelligence. Although the Part's house position is mediocre by strength, Gemini is one of the best places for this Part to be in for its (Gemini's) natural association with intelligence and anything intellectual.

Domicile ruler Mercury receives the Part by a whole-sign (platick) sextile which strengthens the relationship between the Part and Mercury to some extent. Also Mercury is tightly square to the Part's antiscion, which is at 20d03m Cancer. Furthermore Saturn, secondary triplicity ruler of Gemini, aspects the Part by a tight square. These are enough indications to call the Part as "well-disposed".

Mars, significator of 'sharpness' casts a partile square to the Part.

If we allow larger orbs the Moon is conjunct the Part, with Venus and Sun being sextile. Although these planets do not have any dignity at the Part's location, their aspects can not be dismissed, considering each planet naturally signifies (or represents) a number of features, abilities, predispositions and aptitudes (Venus, for instance, is associated with the sense of beauty, proportion, harmony to name a few; others accordingly as well).

Except Jupiter, all planets behold the Part rendering it active and functional and possibly endowing the native with diverse abilities. Paul is a musical composer (Venus), writer, translator, web-designer, programmer, researcher mainly in fields related to intelligence and genius, thinker (Mercury) and designer of many beautiful high range IQ tests (Mercury, Venus, Saturn).

Aspects between the ruler(s) of the ascendant and the Part and its rulers:

Now let us check if the other conditions given in the definition of the Part of Reasoning are satisfied, and if yes, to what extent.

Rulers of the ascendant at 29d57m Libra are: Venus (domicile), Saturn (exaltation and triplicity=almuten), Mercury (triplicity), Jupiter (triplicity and face), Mars (bound/term).

Rulers of the Part at 9d57m Gemini are: Mercury (domicile and triplicity), Jupiter (triplicity, bound and face), Saturn (triplicity).

Of the rules and conditions given in the definition the Part of Reasoning and generally in any arabic part, most important are the aspects between the significators. After examining a lot of horoscopes for the Part of Reasoning, I am now convinced that aspects seem to supercede all other considerations such as essential and accidental dignities and afflictions of the planets. This does not mean other considerations are not important; they are. But they are of secondary importance as compared to the aspects and are useful usually in comparing two charts when testimonies seem more or less equal.

As far as checking the aspects are concerned, in principle, the hierarchy of rulership must always be observed. Most important are the aspects between the major rulers (i.e almuten, domicile, exaltation and quasi-major ruler). Thus an aspect, for instance, between domicile rulers of the ascendant and the Part is more important than when both or any of them is a minor ruler, such as an aspect between the domicile ruler of the ascendant and the term ruler of the Part, or vice versa, or between two triplicity rulers.

That said, let us now check all the aspects between the significators:

a) Rulers of the ascendant to the Part:

- Venus, domicile ruler of the ascendant is sextile the Part with an orb of 5 degrees 27 minutes. Although a 5-degree or less of orb is generally suggested for an appreciable influence, a half degree difference beyond the suggested orb will neither disqualify the aspect nor its influence. It is there and effective, albeit less than if it were, say, 3 degrees.

- Saturn, exaltation ruler and almuten of the ascendant tightly squares the Part with an orb of 2d16m, so has considerable influence in favor of high IQ.

- Mercury, natural significator of intelligence and the primary triplicity ruler of the ascendant receives the Part into his domicile (Gemini) by a platick sextile aspect with an orb of 9d52m. Because it is a large orb its influence is far less than the aforementioned aspects but can not be neglected due to Mercury's specialty. Because, Mercury;

* is the general significator of intelligence and of the Part,

* ruler of the ascendant and of the Part,

* is making a beneficial aspect (i.e sextile), and

* this aspect is by "reception" into his domicile.

- Mars, bound ruler of the ascendant and the special significator of sharpness, is square the Part. In addition, Mars is in mutual reception with Mercury. Because Mercury and Mars both are components of the Part, hence significators of intelligence in this context, mutual reception between them is certainly a plus in favor of high intelligence as mutual reception means in astrology a "mutual support and cooperation" between the significators involved.

b) Rulers of the ascendant to the rulers of the Part:

Although what has been hitherto said about the horoscopic testimonies is enough already to declare this native to be very intelligent, as obviously requirements of the Part have been met, I will list all of them for the sake of completeness of this illustration.

- Venus (domicile ruler of the ascendant) is conjunct Mercury (domicile ruler and almuten of the Part).

- Mars (bound ruler of the ascendant), to re-iterate, is in mutual reception with Mercury (domicile ruler and almuten of the Part).Mutual reception is when two planets are in each other's dignity. Here, Mars is in Virgo which is ruled by Mercury by domicile and exaltation, and Mercury is in Aries which is ruled by Mars by domicile. Mutual reception is treated like an aspect, that is, if there were an aspect between the two planets. Its significance has been explained above. So, although there is no Ptolemaic aspect (i.e sextile, trine, square, opposition and conjunction) between Mars and Mercury, they benefit from each other because of the mutual reception as if there were an aspect between them.

Condition of Mercury: Mercury is of prime importance when delineating a chart for intelligence, as it is both the natural significator of intelligence and the primary component of the Part of Reasoning. Therefore a careful examination of Mercury's condition is always necessary and revealing. A Mercury in good condition is considered an asset for any mercurial thing, including intelligence.

In theory, a planet is said to be in good condition, if:

  • it has dignity (aka fortunate)
  • is strong (i.e posited in an angular or succedent house), and
  • is unafflicted (or unimpeded)

Condition is improved somewhat if its dispositor is also in good condition, even more so if it (the dispositor) is in aspectual relationship preferably with a beneficial aspect with the planet that it disposes, which in this case the planet is said to be received.

I believe, specific to the delineation of intelligence in a horoscope, we may add to this list 'the presence of an aspect or mutual reception between Mercury and Mars' considering that Mercury and Mars, besides other significations they hold, are also special significators because they are components of the Part of Reasoning, which itself has to do with intelligence. Therefore, any aspect - especially when the said aspect is a favorable one such as trine or sextile, and even conjunction - or mutual reception between Mercury and Mars may be considered good for intelligence.

Natal Mercury in Paul's chart displays some interesting features. Some of these features are bad in astrological sense (i.e astrologically too weak to significantly favor mercurial significations, including intelligence) while some others are good.

Mercury in Paul's chart is peregrine, retrograde, combust and cadent. So Mercury is afflicted by a multiplicity of impediments. In astrological lore Mercury can also be called as 'severely debilitated'. Debilitated and impeded planets have hard time trying to act and realize their nature. The more severe the impediments are, the more difficult it is for a planet to act. In fact, it would be hard to believe that someone with such a poor Mercury can be very intelligent, let alone intelligent, unless one approaches the matter with traditional methods and systematically applies proper delineation techniques as I have tried to illustrate here.

Weakness of this Mercury is somewhat improved and the bad condition mitigated by the following:

- Mercury's being weakened by combustion is ameliorated by the Sun's reception. The Sun, almuten of the degree that Mercury occupies and the exaltation ruler of Aries, gives a reception to Mercury by conjunction. Reception is protective and somewhat mitigates the adverse effects of combustion.

- Mercury is on the exaltation degree of the Sun, namely 19th degree of Aries. This may mean "something very notable about Mercury (=high intelligence?)" is to be expected and may increase Mercury's quality for better.

- Mercury is in mutual reception with its dispositor, Mars. But because Mars is afflicted by being retrograde and by Saturn's (a natural malefic) opposition, he may not be that helpful, but it is still better to be in mutual reception than not.

- Mercury is conjunct the antiscion of Mars, which is at 20d11m Aries. Antiscion is considered to be like a sextile or trine, so that Mercury is like making a sextile or trine aspect to Mars that helps high intelligence. Because this is as if Mars - significator of sharpness - were making a favorable aspect to the ruler of the Part, that is Mercury.

- Mercury is conjunct Venus. Because Venus is considered a 'natural benefic' she may help improve the bad condition of Mercury a bit.

- Mercury receives the Moon into his domicile by a sextile aspect. Bonatti in his Liber Astronomie and William Lilly in his Christian Astrology state in their terms that Mercury in good aspect with the Moon favors intelligence.

- Mercury is quite functional by being in aspect or otherwise relation with other planets: Mercury is conjunct Venus (ruler of the ascendant) and Sun, sextile the Moon, and in mutual reception with Mars.

Taken altogether, these special factors improve the otherwise nasty (i.e debilitated = weakened) condition of Mercury.

This is a good lesson for us astrologers teaching to take into account all factors carefully and appropriately.

Condition of Mars: Mars is strong as he has succedent strength in the 11th house. But he is retrograde, thus impeded a bit. Nevertheless he is in a rational sign like Virgo and in mutual reception with its ruler, Mercury. This puts Mars in an intellectual context. This is further reinforced since:

  • Mars, the significator of sharpness of intellect, casts a very tight square aspect to the Part of Reasoning, thus elegantly satisfying the last condition mentioned in the definition of the Part. Let us also mention that Mars is the bound ruler of the ascendant and also the almutem figuris, thus has added significance in favor of very high intelligence here.

  • Mars, in addition to his being in mutual reception with Mercury - the domicile ruler of the Part -, is in a tight aspect with the exaltation ruler of the ascendant. Albeit an opposition, this aspect between Mars and Saturn is very supportive of high intelligence for this particular case as the aspect is from Mars to a major ruler of the ascendant.


The Part of Skill is yet another indicator as far as intelligence is concerned.

Paul's is a nocturnal birth. So the formula for the Part of Skill for a nocturnal nativity is:

{Asc + Mercury - Part of Spirit (aka Part of Sun, Part of Things To Be, or Pars Futurorum)}

The Part of Spirit is given by the formula {Asc + Moon - Sun} for a nocturnal nativity.

Therefore, after calculation we find that the Part of Skill is at 18d50m Aquarius.

Mercury is the primary triplicity ruler in Aquarius for a nocturnal nativity and we observe that Mercury casts a very tight sextile (with an orb of 59 minutes of arc) to the Part of Skill.

Now let us remind what this means by referring to its definition:

"The fifth part of the fifth differentia is called the part of skill, talent, acuity, and discipline of all arts and of memory and the like, or pars calliditatis, ingenii, acuitatis etc. It is taken by day from the mercury to pars futurorum and by night in the opposite direction, and it is projected from the ascendant. The wise took this part in this way because all these things are signified by mercury and are attributed to him, and they refer to the soul, and the pars futurorum signifies the quality (condition) of the soul, and all these things proceed forth from the power of the soul [mind, intellect].

If it is in good condition and well disposed, and it is with Mercury in a nativity or question, and Mercury is of good condition, it signifies that the native will be expert in a good skill, of sharp mind, easily taught, as competent in many arts, learning all things which he desires and which he studies with less labour than others, and he will retain well what he has learned and all these things will profit him. But if they are unfortunate or evilly disposed, he will be able to learn, but the things he learns will not be useful to him; indeed he will get evil and distress because of the aforesaid"

The Part is in good condition and well disposed as it is posited in an angular house (i.e 4th for this case) and aspected by the Sun, Venus and Mercury.

Mercury is not "of good condition" but apparently it is not in a terribly bad condition either (see above). Therefore Paul benefits somewhat from the promises of this Part as well.

In addition, It is interesting to note that Venus too aspects the Part by a sextile. Considering Venus has direct association with fine arts and music, one wonders if this aspect indicates predisposition to engagement in music as well as an aptitude for this particular native.


By clear testimonies of the natal horoscope therefore, we conclude that Paul Cooijmans is someone very intelligent. He posseses an active and productive mind with diverse abilities

-End of Delineation-

Last edited on 4 October 2007


Monday, September 24, 2007

Dr.Evangelos Katsioulis

Now it is time to give an example.

I hope this will illustrate the use of some of the principles mentioned in the definition of the Part of Reasoning. For the illustration, I have chosen birth data of a living super IQ homo sapiens sapiens: Dr. Evangelos Katsioulis, born in Ioannina, Greece on January 19, 1976 at 01:00 (Ascendant = 26d37m Libra).

Source of birth data is his personal website (See: ) I am also grateful to Dr.Katsioulis for his permission to publish this delineation here.

He enjoys membership of over 30 IQ societies as either a full member or a honorary member, the most exclusive one being the Giga Society which admits at 1 in a billion.

* * *

Before delineation I would like to tell you why I have selected him from among a number of other intelligent candidates: Because he suits very well (almost perfectly) with the requirements of the Part of Reasoning and he has been tested many times, each time proving his intelligence to be no less than one in a few million and up to one in a billion by rarity. So we are talking about a real person who can be tested this time against methods of medieval astrology. This kind of exceptionally intelligent people are also very important in order to calibrate, rectify and test our astrological methods.

Here we go!..

* * *

Selections: I will employ the Alcabitius semi-arc house system along with traditional rulerships with Dorothean triplicity rulers, Egyptian bound (term) rulers and Caldean face (decan) rulers. A 5-degree orb to the Part will be used as a stringent requirement as far as aspects to the Part are concerned, but aspects with larger orbs will also be accepted as a testimonial but of secondary importance when the more stringent requirement is not satisfied. For planetary aspects generally accepted orbs (e.g 9 degrees for Saturn and Jupiter, 8 degrees for Mars and 7 degrees for Venus and Mercury) will be taken; but whole-sign aspects will also be accepted with secondary importance when traditional orbs are not exactly satisfied.

Any statement which contains the term "ruler" or "lord" applies for all rulers separately in the hierarchy of 5 rulers but in order of decreasing importance from domicile to exaltation, triplicity, bound and face rulers each but with major emphasis residing with especially what are called the major rulers (domicile and exaltation) and what I would like to call the quasi-major ruler ( a ruler that has at least two of the lesser dignities at a point of interest, such as a planet having both the dignity of triplicity and bound, or triplicity and face, or bound and face). Almuten of the point of interest may take priority when it is different from the domicile ruler.

Considerations before judgement: As per Bonatti, presence of the ascendant, its ruler and the Moon in the rational signs endows the native with rational quality (this can roughly be taken to mean 'intelligence' by a modern interpretation). I would like to add to this Mercury as I often see it in a rational sign or in Aries (the special case of Aries needs explanation and I have one; but this will be skipped at the moment) in the charts of intelligent people. Rational signs are given as air triplicity (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius), Virgo and first half of Sagittarius.

Our example figure has his ascendant in Libra nearly conjunct Spica, and Mercury in Aquarius to start with. For the record, Libra is the most frequently encountered ascendant in my current sample of 25 nativities (as of today, September 24, 2007). Both Mercury and ascendants seem to be higher than chance levels by presence in rational signs. I don't know if this will remain so when data accumulates.

Delineation based on the Part of Reasoning (to be referred to as PR, or the Part hereinafter):

* See his horoscope here
Ascendant is at 26d37m Libra and the Part is at 19d02m Gemini.

1) Lords of the ascendant, by order of importance are Saturn (almuten of the asc = exaltation and triplicity), Venus (co-almuten of the asc = ruler of domicile and bound), Mercury (primary triplicity ruler of a nocturnal nativity) and Jupiter (participating triplicity ruler)

- Saturn receives Mercury, ruler of the Part, by an opposition;
- Venus opposes the Part within about 2 degrees; opposes Mars (see below), trines Jupiter (trip ruler of the Part) and trines the Moon, significator of mind (especially perceptive and imaginational faculty of it);
- Mercury disposes the Part and makes a whole-sign trine to it and is received by opposition by Saturn (triplicity ruler of the Part), also trine a little off the orb with Mars, Mars being the quasi-major ruler of the Part (rules both bound and face at 19d02m Gemini);
- Jupiter casts a sextile to the Part. So all rulers of the ascendant either aspects the Part or its ruler or both.

2) Part of Reasoning is at 19d02m Gemini in the 8th quadrant (Alcabitius) house and 9th whole-sign house Rulers are: Mercury (domicile and triplicity = almuten), Mars (quasi-major ruler = dignity of bound and face), Saturn (secondary triplicity ruler for nocturnal nativity), Jupiter (participating triplicity ruler)

a) Aspects of the Part's rulers to the Part (receptions):

- Mercury receives the Part by a whole-sign trine - Mars conjunct the Part within 5 degree;
- Jupiter is sextile the Part with a tight orb. As far as the arabic lots are concerned the Part's being received by its rulers, especially if it is a major ruler, is very important and this, according to Bonatti, contributes more than other planets in the play.

b) Other Aspects :

- Moon is sextile the Part with a tight orb;
- Venus (ruler of the Asc) is opposite the Part with a tight orb. Although the Part's house position is mediocre all planets except the Sun and Saturn aspect the Part. This makes the Part very active and one of the focal points in the chart. The part is well disposed, so to speak, as it is well received by its rulers.

Of the planets aspecting the Part, Mars is very important as it is conjunct (powerful effect), and Mars, being one of the components of the Part, is the significator of "sharpness" and disposed by Mercury, which is the universal (natural) significator of intelligence.

3) Condition of Mercury and Mars:

a) Mercury: Mercury has the dignity of triplicity at 7d11m Aquarius so is fortunate; angular in the 4th house, so strong; but retrograde so afflicted. But it both aspects the Part albeit by a whole-sign trine and receives one quasi-major ruler (Mars) into his domicile dignity and itself is received by Saturn (almuten of the Ascendant) by opposition within orb, and by Venus (Lord of the Asc) by a whole-sign sextile.

Overall, Mercury is fairly good, if not excellent, and quite serves his purpose for the native in question by satisfying the criteria given in the definition of the Part.

b) Mars: Mars, as being the quasi-major ruler at the location of the Part, receives the Part by conjunction into his dignities (bound and face). Condition of Mars is almost excellent for several reasons:

- Mars is dignified at the Part's location,
- Mars is disposed by Mercury and received by it by a trine aspect,
- Mars is conjunct the Part (very beneficial for sharpness);

Mars is mediocre by house position and impeded by retrograde; but,
- Mars is in aspect (opposition) with Venus, Lord of the Ascendant,
- Mars is sextile Jupiter (triplicity ruler of both the ascendant and the Part, also the face ruler of the ascendant) also receiving him into his domicile in Aries,
- Mars is sextile the Moon, significator of perceptive mind and memory.

So, overall, Mars is very active by being multi-aspected with relevant rulers mostly by receptions and good aspects causing very high cognitive ability.

Seeing that each and every condition mentioned in the definition of the Part of Reasoning is satisfied, we judge, by a clear testimony of the horoscope, that the native in question, namely Dr.Evangelos Katsioulis must be a very intelligent person.

- End of delineation -
