Albert Einstein
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His ascendant (asc) is at 11d39m Cancer and Part of Reasoning at 5d25m Taurus. Rulers of the ascendant at 11d39m Cancer by order of decreasing importance are:
- Moon (domicile and participating triplicity ruler = almuten)
- Jupiter (exaltation)- Venus (primary triplicity ruler and bound ruler)
- Mars (secondary triplicity ruler)
- Mercury (face ruler)
Rulers of the Part of Reasoning at 5d25m Taurus by order of decreasing importance are:
- Venus (domicile, primary triplicity and bound ruler = almuten)
- Moon (exaltation and secondary triplicity ruler)
- Mars (participating triplicity ruler)
- Mercury (face ruler)
We note that the Moon, the ruler of the ascendant, is in the first half of Sagittarius, a rational sign.
1) Disposition of the Part: The Part is strong in the 11th house. Venus, dispositor of the Part is strong as well in the 10th house. Taurus, in which the Part is posited is the sign where the Moon, ruler of the ascendant is exalted. Although she does not aspect the Part or the sign the Part is posited, Moon's shared rulership over the signs (i.e Moon rules Cancer by domicile and Taurus by exaltation) may be considered helpful and also the Part is "in the dignity of the ruler of the ascendant". But since the Moon in Sagittarius does not aspect the sign in which the Part resides (e.g Taurus), there is a weaker level of assistance from Moon to the Part than a reception here. In other words, there is only "generosity" in which the Moon is generous to the Part by exaltation.
Because the Part and its dispositor is strongly placed in the chart we may call it well-disposed. But other than that there is nothing impressive about it as far as the aspects of the Part's rulers are concerned, because none of the rulers of the Part aspects the Part within a reasonable orb. That is, the Part is not received.
Only Mars, one of the triplicity rulers of the Part aspects Taurus. So technically he receives the Part by a whole-sign trine. But it is not worthy of mention since the orb is too large (more than 20 degrees) for any influence.
2) Aspects:
2-a) From rulers of the ascendant to the Part:
None of the rulers of the ascendant aspect the Part. But the Part's antiscion at 24d35 m Leo is opposed within 3 degree by Jupiter, the exaltation ruler of the ascendant. This can be considered as a weaker form of opposition aspect between the Part and Jupiter.
2-b) From rulers of the ascendant to the ruler(s) of the Part:
- The Moon (= almuten of the ascendant) applies by a trine aspect with an orb of 2d27m to Venus (= almuten of the Part). Trine is a beneficial aspect and the orb is small and the aspect is between two major rulers, so this is the most important aspect meeting one of the primary requirements of the Part of Reasoning.
- Venus (= primary triplicity and bound ruler of the ascendant) is trine with the Moon (= exaltation and secondary triplicity ruler of the Part). This seems to be a repetition of the above. In terms of the significators (planets), yes! But because the significators have different dignities at the ascendant and the Part, it is necessary to mention them again. The trine aspect repeated between Venus and the Moon here is a re-emphasis and verification that the requirement has been met.
- Mars (= secondary triplicity ruler of the ascendant) is sextile Mercury (= face ruler of the Part). Here the requirement for intelligence is re-emphasized by another aspect between planets that have minor dignities at the ascendant and the Part.- Mercury (= face ruler of the ascendant) is sextile Mars (= participating triplicity ruler of the Part).
3) Mercury's condition and aspects:
- Mercury is strong in the 10th house;
- Mercury is "technically" afflicted by Saturn's conjunction when merely judged by the book. [Off the topic, this might have been responsible for Einstein's reported delay until 4-5 years of age in beginning to speak in childhood and also for his being, in his opinion, "a slow thinker". This makes sense as Mercury naturally signifies "speech and thought" and Saturn naturally signifies delays, restrictions, hindrances, obstacles, slowness etc.] Nonetheless Saturn also signifies "organization, structure, discipline, rules". When taken together with Mercury (because of conjunction) this should mean "well-organized, structured and disciplined thinking" which is what any scientist is required to possess. Furthermore, Saturn by his placement in this chart is the ruler of the Part's overcoming sign (e.g the 10th sign from Taurus where the Part is posited) Aquarius, which itself is the significator of "knowledge and sciences". Ancient astrologers placed an importance on "overcoming". In addition, Saturn rules the 9th house, which also has to do with intellectual pursuits among other things.
Considering that Mercury, besides a natural significator of intelligence, thought and speech, is also the face ruler of the ascendant and the Part, its conjunction to said Saturn is to be understood and interpreted accordingly. So, when all of these are put together and evaluated within the chart's own context, Saturn's conjunction to Mercury appears to have been pretty more constructive than destructive, at least for Einstein's intelligence and genius.
- Mercury is peregrine (e.g has no essential dignity) at 3d09m Aries. But it is received by a sextile by its dispositor, Mars. So Mercury in this condition can be regarded as fortunate. - Mercury is partile trine the antiscion of Mars at 3d05m Sagittarius. As we mentioned elsewhere (see sample delineation about Paul Cooijmans), astrological relations by aspect (including antiscia) or other means such as mutual reception between Mercury and Mars, which both are significators of intelligence, favor intelligence, therefore can not be overlooked.
- Mercury is opposite by whole-sign to a separating Moon, which rules the ascendant by domicile and the Part by exaltation, thus satisfying another rule required of it (see Part of Reasoning on this blog).
Overall, Mercury may be considered well disposed and in good condition as far as intellectuality is concerned.
4) Mars:
Mars is pretty good by essential dignity as he is in his exaltation, triplicity and term at 26d55m in Capricorn. He is conjunct the Moon's north node. Noth Node is of the nature of Venus and Jupiter and is said to increase the natural influence of the planet that it conjoins, that is Mars in this case: North Node increases Mars' Marsness. Because Mars means sharpness and Mars receives Mercury by a sextile into where he has both the dignity of domicile and face, this conjunction is supposed to increase Einsein's sharpness among other things. Very good condition of Mars by essential dignity seems to compensate Mercury's poor dignity (Reminder: Mercury is only the face ruler of the ascendant and the Part) in this aspectual relationship.
His Part of Skill is at 29d 07m Capricorn in sextile to a fairly good Mercury and Saturn, Saturn being the Part's domicile ruler, and conjunct Mars, the Part's exaltation ruler.
All in all, these astrological indicators explain in accordance with theory why Einstein was a very intelligent person.
Note that we are talking about his "intelligence" here, not genius! These two concepts are often confused and misunderstood by people. Genius certainly requires very high intelligence but only a small percentage of very intelligent people come out to be geniuses. This will be dealt with in depth later.
- End of Delineation -
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